There's Something about Mary

Friday's Feast!
Appetizer - Have you been sick yet this winter? If so, what did you come down with?

yes...besides the obvious colds and stuff, i got a nasty stomach bug that was going around work, and let me tell you it was NOT fun!

Soup - What colors dominate your closet? hmm i really don't know, i have a lot of different colors....browns blues reds...

Salad - How would you describe your personal "comfort zone"?
I'm always comfortable at home...

Main Course - On which reality show would you really like to be a contestant? i thought maybe survivor, but i like to eat to much LOL. so maybe big brother, or the real world

Dessert - Which holiday would you consider to be your favorite? Christmas for sure! I love the looks of my kids faces on Christmas!


posted by Mary @ 7:56 AM   9 comments
check out my renter!
check out my renter! she seems to be a lot like me for as much a i have read so far...check her out!

Unexplored Territory
posted by Mary @ 4:33 PM   1 comments
Wordless Wednesday!!


posted by Mary @ 5:46 AM   2 comments
im going through pure withdrawl
my doctor, since we are TTC, has takenb me off of paxil
and put me on lezapro. my emotions right now are horrible,
my mood swings are horrible. i am dizzy, my hear hurts, i feel
sick to my stomach. i cant concentrate, my temper is horrible

i am going nuts. i have cried SEVEN times today...over
nothing. and its pretty bad that while you are crying and while
you are upset, you know that its over nothing, but yet you keep on crying and you keep on being upset.

i just broke down in front of the laundry room becuse justin
threw laundry in there without seperating it. i literally
fell on the floor and just started to cry.

i feel like SHIT. i just want this to end, and the doctor said
that this is normal being taken off of paxil, and that it can last for weeks.

i cant take weeks of this. i cant take another day of this.

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posted by Mary @ 5:49 PM   1 comments
Friday's Feast!
What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
the side pony tails were in! and the colored jeans....yuck!

Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you. hmm maybe that im really shy...which is true to a point, but once i get to know you i can talk your ear off!

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work? it depends on what im my job i would say a 7 or 8....if it comes to cleaning my house its more like a 5 lol

Main Course
If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
myself! LOL i would make a commercial asking people to send me money ;) just to see if it really works LOL

Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.
I love to sleep when it is raining outside


posted by Mary @ 5:32 AM   6 comments
Wordless Wednesday!!

posted by Mary @ 1:57 PM   2 comments
check out my new renter!
He is a reviewer of old and new music, and I must say that his reviews are very well written! Check out some songs from the 90's on his blog!!

Rizzo Music
posted by Mary @ 10:11 AM   0 comments
sick to my stomach
and hating it!

its such a shame that i have so much crap to do today that I can't just go lay down and sleep this off...

maybe for a little bit after dropping cayden off at school though I will take a nap...and than after picking him up i'll start the dreaded house cleaning.

my house is gross right now though...i really need to clean it up...
posted by Mary @ 8:17 AM   2 comments
the good old days
I went out today and brought a toy that I haven't played with in years. I can not belive how quickly it came back to me though! I got a nintendo!

yep, a real old school nintendo with mario brothers and duck hunt. how quickly it came back to me, and how much fun me and the kids had playing that game! it was well worth the money that I spent on it, I have been wanting one for months now! I just have had this urge to play mario brothers, that game is awesome! i dont care how many gigabytes playstation 348390248329084 has...nintendo is still so neat!

we also got mickey mouse club house know where mieky and minnie are in the house and then they gyo to the ocean and then to the woods? well i kept getting lost in the woods! LOL that game STILL Gets me confused!
posted by Mary @ 7:41 PM   2 comments
Fridays Feast!!
If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn? hmm maybe the piano. I think that the sound is so beautiful!

Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else? im sure that I have seen people and thought that they looked like someone, but I was never actually called out on it

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets? i bet an 8 or pretty good at that!

Main Course
What's the closest you've ever been to a dangerous animal? it depends on what you think is dangerous...ive held a snake before...and i also got bit by an ostrich...thats pretty bad...

When was the last time you lost your patience? twenty minutes ago when my kids woke up at 5:30 and wouldnt go back to sleep


posted by Mary @ 6:49 AM   7 comments
Thursday Thirteen!

My Favorite Thirteen TV Shows

1. 24...I LOVE this show. If you haven't seen it yet, you should!! It really keeps you in suspense

2. Prison Break: some people hate this show, but I love it. and the actors are HOT!

3. Survivour i cant wait for the new season to air! does anyone know when it comes on?

4. Desperate Housewives: what better way to make your life seem drama free?

5. The Sopranos: do mobs like this really exist?

6. CSI: the technology is amazing!

7. The Real World: ok its HILSOUAR to see someone cry over someone they met 24 hours before and kissed

8. Beauty and the Geek: itr shows that beauty is ONLY skin deep...for real! cecile is a bitch!

9. Top Model: i like Tyra a LOT!

10. ER: i don't watch it anymore, because I can't stay up that late, but I watch the reruns on my days off

11. True Life series on MTV: no real reason, I just like prying on peoples lives

12. Everyone Loves Raymon: keeps me laughing

13. Big Brother. I can't wait until this comes on again!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

posted by Mary @ 2:47 PM   2 comments
Wordless Wednesday

check out my daughters hair! most of her weight is hair LOL

posted by Mary @ 5:34 AM   9 comments
check out my renter!
an awesome photo blog! the pictures are soo beautiful!

By the Way 2
posted by Mary @ 1:41 PM   2 comments
My Family
I think that in order to answer some questions that have come up about my family, or that may come up in my family, I am going to explain my family. SO get ready to get confused LOL.

Lets start with my grandmother on my mothers side. I grew up thinking that her husband died...well I found out a few years ago that she was never married, that she was a mistress and got pregnant with my mom. SHOCKING i tell ya lol.

so then there is my mom. She got married to Frank young. Had three children, Kristie Micheal and me. THen they ended up getting divorced and it was nasty. Frank ended up giving up custody of us. SO then Arthur entered the picture. My mom and arthur (who I will now call my dad) got married, and my dad adopted me my sister and my brother. They became foster parents and then my mom got pregnant with my brother AJ. We were living in New York at the time. My parents decided to move to PA, they ended up adopting two of the foster childre. Shawn is mentally and physically handicapped, he is 21 now but on the brain level of a 2 year old. Joey is the other brother that they adopted, he has severe emtotional issues.

They moved out here to PA and my mom got pregnant again with Beau, my younger brother. So now AJ and Beau are my half brothers, Kristie and Micheal are my full siblings and shawn and joey are my adopted brothers.

flash forward a few years. I get courious about frank and decided to write him. Turns out that he has some kids, my half siblings. Mary, Mellissa and John.

so there it is....

Micheal and Kristie are my full siblings
AJ, Beau, Mary, Mellissa and John are my half siblings
Joey and Shawn are my adopted siblings.

In all I have 3 sisters and 6 brothers
posted by Mary @ 8:06 AM   4 comments
Friday's Feast!!
Which television shows do you just refuse to miss? oh my gosh 24 for sure! if you miss an episode of that, you are LOST! and i love it!

Who did you last speak to on the telephone? my husband, when I called him from work a half hour ago

How many pillows do you keep on your bed? four. I need two under my head though to fall asleep

Main Course
Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you'd love to have. one of those headsert thingers that you can talk into and it types what you are saying. how neat would that be, to be able to just talk and there it is on the screen

What is your favorite foreign food? hmmm thats tough, im a picky eater...i do like chinese sweet and sour chicken, does that count? LOL

posted by Mary @ 3:09 PM   4 comments
Thursday Thirteen!

Thirteen Reasons I love my son (Destinee is next week)

1. His smile. It is so pure and innocent and just full of love

2. his laugh, its so contagious

3. His innocence

4. How sincere he is

5. How loving he is

6. How damn smart he is!

7. His curious mind

8. How much he cares about other people

9. how much he loves his sister

10. How he loves to help me

11. How he will eat anything that I make

12. How he always tries to get me to laugh and play with him

13. because he is my son!

posted by Mary @ 4:21 PM   1 comments
Wordless Wednesday

posted by Mary @ 4:54 PM   6 comments
my fine is 475.6
My Fine is...$475.60
I'm going straight to hell... maybe.

Stole this from s@m over at Temporaily Me. She stole it from someone who stole it from someone else. You get the idea.

Here's how it works: You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. And NO, it is not PER incident...LOL

Smoked pot - $10
Done acid - $5
Ever had sex at church - $25
Woke up in the morning and didn't know the person who was next to you - $40
Had sex with someone on MySpace - $25
Had sex for money - $100
Vandalized something - $20
Had sex on your parent's bed - $10
Beat up someone - $20
Been jumped - $10
Cross-dressed - $10
Given money to a stripper - $25
Been in love with a stripper - $20
Kissed someone who's name you didn't know - $0.10
Hit on someone of the same sex while at work - $15
Ever drive drunk - $20
Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk - $50
Used toys while having sex - $30
Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before - $20
Went skinny dipping - $5
Had sex in a pool - $20
Kissed someone of the same sex - $10
Had sex with someone of the same sex - $20
Cheated on your significant other - $10
Masturbated - $10
Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend - $20
Done oral - $5
Got oral - $5
Done/got oral in a car while it was moving - $25
Stole something - $10
Had sex with someone in jail - $25
Made a nasty home video - $15
Had a threesome - $50
Had sex in the wild - $20
Been in the same room while someone was having sex - $25
Stole something worth over more than $100 - $20
Had sex with someone 10 years older - $20
Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27 - $25
Been in love with 2 people or more at the same time - $50
Said you love someone but didn't mean it - $25
Went streaking - $5
Went streaking in broad daylight - $15
Been arrested - $5
Spent time in jail - $15
Peed in the pool - $0.50
Played spin the bottle - $5
Done something you regret - $20
Had sex with your best friend - $20
Had someone with a co-worker at work - $25
Had anal sex - $80
Lied to your mate - $5
Lied to your mate about the sex being good - $25

Tally it up and title it... "My Fine Is..."

Let me know if you participate... I want to see what kind of results you have!
posted by Mary @ 11:51 AM   3 comments
My drug of choice
An antidepressant, in the most common usage, is a medication taken to alleviate clinical depression or dysthymia ('milder' depression).

Clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder, or sometimes unipolar when compared with bipolar disorder) is a state of intense sadness, melancholia or despair that has advanced to the point of being disruptive to an individual's social functioning and/or activities of daily living.

I have been diagnosed with Clinical Depression. It is a constant struggle in my life to deal with it, to not hide in my bed, or hide on the computer, or to hide in a book or watching TV. It is a constant struggle to not sleep my days away, it is a constant struggle to not yell and scream at my children for no reason at all, it is a constant struggle to keep my marriage alive and well. My life is a struggle, but I am winning with the help of my drugs.

Some say that no one needs antidepressants. That it is all in your mind, that you can "will" yourself better. I disagree. Nothing can "will" me to be better, never in my life can I remember feeling as good as I do when I am on my drugs. I wish that I had found antidepressants throughout high school, maybe my high school life wouldn't have been so miserable, and I wouldn't have had to do drugs to escape the world. Looking back, I see all the signs of depression, which some people thought were just ways for me to act out. I attempted to kill myself FIVE times. Doesn't that show anything? Of course, looking back I can see that I didn't really try to kill myself, I didn't cut deep enough ever, but it WAS a sign of my depression. True, my parents didn't ignore it. I got sent to a mental hospital, where I rebelled and acted like I got better, so that I could get out and I could go get high with my friends.

If I was smart, I would have taken the help that I was offered.

I should be in counseling now, but I just can't make myself do it. i try. Everyday I try to make myself make that phone call and just make that first appointment. But then these days I feel good. Because of my medication. So I say to myself that I don't need the help, knowing full well that I do.

Maybe I will call tomorrow

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posted by Mary @ 4:16 PM   5 comments
some pictures...

posted by Mary @ 6:25 PM   4 comments

The randomness of my life as a working mother of two, trying to concieve another. A wife, a mother on the journey to find herself
White Chocolate

About Me: 24 year old full time working mother of 2
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